Sunday, November 3, 2013


Taken 3 years ago (9-14-10 my wedding day) Me, Grandma, and Carlos
So today is the third day of November and so far, it’s a bummer month. Today is the anniversary of my grandfather’s death, 10 years he’s been gone and things aren’t any better. Read below and I’ll explain.

A Timeline of Events
October 23, 2013—My grandmother passed away and I (essentially) become a mother to her adopted daughter (my niece) Brandy.
October 24, 2013—We start cleaning her room and figuring out where and how we’re going to be holding her viewing and burial.
Roberta's face
October 25, 2013—Things are still up in the air as the packing of her room continues.
October 26, 2013—My aunt figures that we have 30 days to vacate the home we’ve been living in for 4 years (10 years for me). She actually told us this right after grandma passed away, but she reiterates.
October 27, 2013—The viewing and funeral are this week and things are only getting harder to deal with.
October 28, 2013—More packing and stuff ensues as things are being put together for the viewing and funeral.
October 29, 2013—Today is the first day of her viewing and the first time anyone has seen her since she passed away 6 days prior.
October 30, 2013—Second day of viewing and the day before the funeral.
October 31, 2013—Said final goodbye to Grandma who received a military funeral because of my Grandfather. They’re together again.
November 1, 2013—National Novel Writing Month begins and I’m kicking butt. Final days of packing for myself, Carlos, and Brandy before we leave the house.
November 2, 2013—Brandy tries to come home, but we refuse. Trying to teach her not to be so wishy-washy when staying at someone’s house and how much it hurts someone to do that.
November 2, 2013—Roberta goes home from work early because she had a seizure. Only to find out that she was probably attacked at work after she goes to the hospital.

Right after
Things aren’t progressing very well. Finding a place is taking forever and we’ve already been looking for months. Getting things in place to get Brandy’s SSI and for us to adopt her is discouraging. We’ll more than likely need a lawyer and hopefully there won’t be any adoption fees, because we can’t afford that. I’m hoping she won’t be taken away since we’re living in a motel room.

I feel like curling up into a ball most days anymore and crying because everything is so up in the air and I don’t like it. I’m worrying about everything and not sleeping very well.

I know things will work out in the end, but right now with everything so new and raw, I can’t see it happening.

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