Friday, October 18, 2013

To Whom It May Concern

            Whenyou’re watching a TV or movie you come to believe certain things that may ormay not be true, but seem like that have some validity in reality. Mainly youthink that certain cliques stop talking to each other after school ends. Likethe ‘A’ group or ‘cool’ kids. Whatever they were dubbed in your school.
            Youalso believe that the other groups: Goths, geeks, whatever, kept talking. Thatthey weren’t like the others and kept in touch with their friends; theybelieved in the ‘friends till the end’ crap that is spewed. That’s BS. At leastwith my graduating class. The cool kids kept in touch while the rest of us didn’t.I don’t mind that, but it’s a shame! Its like saying that those of us who weren’tcool didn’t care about the friendships that we made when it all boils down togrowing up and heading off to school. Or something as simple as a lost phone number.
            ThankGod for Facebook. Thanks to this site I have reconnected with several peoplefrom my high school and more specifically, my graduating class. The cool kidsbecame ‘friends’ with me quickly while the people I was friends with took theirtime in reconnecting, again, not a big deal. But when I’m trying to speak withcertain people and they ‘log off’ or go to their mobile device where it can bemore difficult to receive texts and the like from Facebook it kind of ticks meoff.
            Itsone thing when a conversation you’re having naturally slows down and stops, butwhen someone says HI and you just shut off Facebook or your chat, that’s kindof mean and something I don’t understand. There are people on Facebook that I haven’tspoken to in YEARS and have been looking for, for as long as that: people thatwere friends from second grade and moved away or from third or fourth grade andmoved away; people that made an impression and impacted me in someway, so I’vebeen looking for them. These same people, who remember me, either simply ignoreme or choose to close their chats or don’t return message. Others simply justsay they don’t know who I am even though, for the most part, we’d been inschool together since KINDERGARTEN!
            Ithink, on that last one, that some people just don’t check their Facebooks asoften as others. Or they don’t recognize the last name. Whatever the issue is,if it was me, I would message the person to see if I knew them. Hell, there arepeople that I NEVER talked to in high school that speak with me now. That shouldtell you something. Whatever people. We’re grown ups and the rest of you shouldstart acting like it.
            Ifyou don’t have time, just tell someone. Is it that hard to do?

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