Saturday, June 23, 2012

All the Latest

All the Latest

     I recently started a new book to work on while I’m working on Dreamland Theater and it’s been interesting. I got the idea from playing a game and so far the book is going well, I think. The idea is simple: What would you do if your life wasn’t your own? You can thank the Sims for this novel idea; though whether it’s a novel or a novella, I haven’t decided just yet. The title is Life and Death.
     I’m also thinking of creating another Trea Bella-Donna novella. Something to do with her trial and life behind bars; Trea Bella-Donna: Life Behind Bars, what do you think? Or a subplot in the full novel in The Delta Files series. Don’t worry, Trea isn’t getting her own series, but a couple of people have expressed an interest in what it would be like for her behind bars and to see how her trial goes.
     I was even thinking of going back and giving a couple of the other killers a novella of their own. Or at least future killers. I just don’t know yet. I want to get through the Life and Death and Dreamland Theater before I pick up the pen and work on anything from The Delta Files series, but that may prove harder to do than I thought.
     This series is proving to be quite the adventure. When I was writing The Marissa Chronicles by the time I was this far into that series, I was having a hard time coming up with story ideas. With The Delta Files series I’m not having that trouble. I wonder why that is. Maybe it’s because these characters, while as demanding as Marissa was, are content that I am thinking of future plots and ideas. Maybe, just maybe, they will let me do what I need to do.
     Something else I’ve decided to do is reviews. I’ll get more into that in my next blog though.
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     Work has been interesting lately. On Monday I had to work a double shift. Well, 15 hours instead of 16, but still. That was nice. I’ve never worked 16 hours before and while I was tired, I wasn’t. if that makes any sense at all. I was surprised I didn’t have an accident on the way home, because I was that tired. However, once I walked into the house, I didn’t want to go to bed! Crazy.
     On Wednesday night the printer at work went out so my fellow auditor couldn’t do his work. Then another co-worker decided to print everything out once the printer was working. It’s nice that she tried to help, but she should have just let me handle it.
     The other auditor didn’t even SEPARATE anything! I had to do it. I was late getting my work done because I had to finish his. Pain in the ass.
     Today I had to refund $150 because he decided to prepay two rooms that’s not something that is normally done unless there is cash or an online reservation involved. I left a note that we shouldn’t do that anymore. The refund is the reason we don’t usually do a prepay.
     Then there’s the pet peeve that I have about people who don’t have all of their receipts. My job is to make sure that everyone else is doing their job. Each monetary transaction needs to have its own receipt, but no one does that. I need all cash, check, and credit card receipts to be on their own. It makes doing the audit easier. If each has it’s own receipt then I don’t miss anything.
     I guess that’s part of being a Virgo. We tend to be detail orientated.

     That’s it for now.
SM Garcia

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