Sunday, April 29, 2012

Dew. Ballerina, and More

Short Stories
Pretty much every dream I have lately turns into a short story, if I can remember it. The reason being that I'm working on a collection of short stories to turn into a book. I have been slowly working on this at work, getting the paging right and the spacing. I have a title for the book. I have a table of contents about a page long and collection of stories just under 200 pages. I'll be adding more as I complete each short story. I'm a little excited. I've been planning on doing this for awhile now, but I lost all of my old work because the computer crashed and so did the back up. Years worth of work LOST and I wanted to cry. In the end I figured this was a good thing because I could start over.

This book is almost completed. I've been aiming for at least 40 chapters and am at 39 now in handwritten pages. I'm excited about this book because in my last blog I wanted my character to focus a bit more on police work and family life and that's just what she's done for the last two books. In the fourth book, I'll probably have to give into her and give her more sex scenes Not too many more, but just enough so she gets what she wants and I get what I want. I figure at good balance works for both of us, right? Compromise at its best, I suppose.

Is technically on hold. Just until I get Ballerina finished. I'm thinking the reason that I've stalled on this project is because I'm working on two of them at a time and Dew isn't feeling very loved. I do know that this will be the only Dew novel. Writing for her is just something to pass the time and she knows it. She accepts it and feels her story will be completely told with this book. If not, well there's always a short story. *grins* I like working with Dew she's easy going. Not pushy.

I am also working on another poetry collection. This one is going to take some time to do. I know how I want to set it up and that's what I'm going to do. I think I'm going to separate it into sections by type of poem: Acrostic, Haiku, Senryu, etc. Put as man Haiku's and Senryu's as I can to a page. I want to try and have at least a hundred poems for the collection. That is gonna be quite the undertaking, but working 5 days a week, 8 hours a day. I can do it. I only have about 2 hours of actual work that needs to be done and it's spaced over the entire eight hours. That's a lot of time with nothing to do. I do mean a lot. I haven't got everything started like I do with the short stories, but I should have something workable tonight. I'm also excited about this as I've been wanting to do more with my poetry. I've been wanting to do another poetry book.

Please check out my website. I work hard to keep it up, but with all the writing I've been doing lately it's hard to keep up. Maybe if I get rich I can afford to hire someone to take care of it for me. HA! I don't see it happening but it's a nice thought. Anyway, check it out. I've worked hard to create a nice website to showcase my writing and get myself out there.
I think that's everything, but hey, who knows. Keep an eye out for another blog at some point.

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