Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Seriously Lax

        I know that I’ve been seriously lax in keeping up with all of my blogs. There have been a lot of things going on at home and with the magazine.

At Home:
·        Grandma has been in and out of the hospital most of the year. She has been diagnosed with colon cancer and her prognosis with that is good; however, her heart, lungs, and kidneys are not faring as well. Her kidneys are in full failure and she has been put on a very strict renal diet: no salt, no tomatoes, and so on and so on. If she does what she is supposed to i.e. avoiding salt and going to dialysis four times a week she can live for another seven years. On the flip side, if she doesn’t, then the prognosis is days.
·        Both Adult Protective Services (APS) and Child Protective Services (CPS) are now involved. APS will be coming in regularly to make sure the house is suitable for Grandma and that things are calm and that fighting is kept to a minimum. CPS will be helping certain individuals getting a place of their own and moving out. Hopefully that cuts down on the fighting.

·        During the holidays I got behind with both the magazine and the blogs. I finally got the third and fourth issues published.
·        The fourth issue of the magazine is out. The issue contains an interview with my friend and our travel guru, Crystal Steinmueller and how she dealt with the death and subsequent years since the passing of her twins’ death. It also includes an article about the seventeenth anniversary of the death of the secretary of our middle school and my thoughts on everything.
·        Working on the next issue.

        Hopefully I will be able to keep going with this blog. I’m not making any promises, but I really intend to.

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