Monday, January 28, 2013

Tons of Updates

            It’s been a long time since I’ve written a blog! I was getting so good a making sure I had a blog every day or every week, too. I was so proud of myself. Don’t feel bad, though, readers. All of my blogs have suffered. There is so much going on.
            I completed Twelve Months and Weird. I also completed two new collection books: Egotistical Mama (poetry) and A Perfectly Secret Affair (short story). Things got a little difficult last year when I was competing in the National Novel Writing Month (November) with my other novels, but if you saw the list I had to begin with you’d realize that it wouldn’t have mattered. My goal is to complete every novel on the list before the end of the year. That’s a lot of books to finish writing. I think I can do it though. Look for the list later.
            Not only have things been happening with the magazine (see the blurb below), but things have been going on at work and at home.
            Things at work are constantly changing. New general manager, new supervisor, new people, and new rules; tons of craziness.
            At home things aren’t any better. Grandma has cancer.

            Thinking back as to why I created this blog, I’m not sure that I should have. I don’t review books, movies, or TV shows as often as I would like. I’m going to try to be more diligent about it, but don’t be surprised if you only get a review of a season premiere or season finale of a TV show. Maybe a series premiere; stay tuned for my reviews of the final episodes of Fringe and Private Practice. I’ll be reviewing American Horror Story: Asylum as well. Plus a season long review of the former show as well and thoughts on the upcoming season of the same show.
            Also please don’t be surprised if you get a smattering of episode reviews throughout a season as well. These will be ones that just caught my attention and that I feel like reviewing. Keep you as updated as I possibly can.

Novels to be Completed

  1. Life and Death
  2. Suicide Killer
  3. Dreamland Theater
  4. Sai
  5. Endless Soul

            A lot has been going on with GZine lately. We’re going on our fourth issue and we’ve even sold a copy of the 3rd issue! It’s not much, but it’s a start.
            Issue Four will contain the contests from issues 5 and 6. The explanation is below.
            From now on GZine will be released every three months. That way there is more content and a better shot at making the magazine even better than it was before. There will be still be columns, recipes, reviews, questions, and more for you all to enjoy. As soon as I have the information, you will know more about it.
            Issue 4 of GZine will be released March 1. Be prepared.

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