Question and Answer Series
Session 1 – Janelle Walden, author of Heart’s Home, After the Dusk, New Eden , Ravyn’s Nights, and
Til Darkness Takes Us
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Janelle Walden |
As a writer do you prefer using a pen name or real name?
A I use part of my actual name, I just cut off the 1st 3
& last 5 letters of it
Which genre do you normally write? Are you comfortable
going out of your comfort zone?
romance if that’s a genre-basically I always throw romance into my stuff
because human relationships are what I write the most easily & I’ve always
been obsessed with all things strange/supernatural…so there you go, supernatural
romance-it’s what interests me enough to write it, so I don’t generally go
outside of at least part of those 2 genres; in school when I was told what I
HAD to write about, it made me sick & I practically failed the class—I
can’t be inspired to write about something I don’t care about in the slightest
How old are you? Male or female?
Do you like cats or dogs?
Tell me something about you that no one else knows.
um, that’s
tough-I’m usually too honest for my own good-I tell people exactly what I’m
thinking or feeling even when I know it’ll lead to nothing but a huge fight-so
I may have to get back to you on that one lol
Are you married, dating, or single? If you’re married or
dating; have you ever cheated on your spouse or significant other? If you’re
single; do you like to play the field?
I’m single &
have no interest in being in a relationship again after all the horrible ones
I’ve already suffered--& I’ve honestly never cheated on anyone in my life-I
actually equate cheating with being a crime worse than murder—after all, murder
victims don’t have to live with the pain & betrayal & the feeling of
never being able to trust again—yeah, I’m a little opposed to cheating, you
could say
Have you ever contemplated suicide? If so, why did you
feel that was your only option?
I contemplate it constantly—it’s mainly due to feeling
like there is nothing that will ever get any better no matter how much I want
it to
Have you ever been in trouble in school? At work? At home?
school: not that I
recall, think I had detention once for not turning in an assignment, I was a
troublemaker you see :P/work-got accused of something I didn’t do, mainly
because they hated the way I dressed & just wanted to be rid of
me/home-everything I say starts a damn fight in this house…see suicide question
Did you have siblings growing up? If so, how many?
I allegedly have a
sister, but she walked out of my life when I was 9 so I don’t even consider her
part of my family honestly
Did you have siblings later in life? If so, how many and
at what age did you get them? Were they adopted?
nope I’m younger
than the alleged sister I mentioned in the last question, & I’m the
youngest person in my immediate family
Where do you get your inspiration?
mostly from people,
movies, music, and pop culture; whenever I see something that interests me, I
think “he/she/it is pretty hot/cool, but what if…” & then a story is born
How do your approach your writing? Are more OCD? Plan
everything out with outlines and what amounts to storyboards? Or do you just
fly by the seat of your pants and work everything out as it comes?
it depends on the
story-with my previous ones it was that I had a singular idea in my head &
then went about getting from where it starts to where I want it to end—however
with the current one, which is a book series with over 60 characters, I had to
put them into an outline with notes about each & every character & plot
line—I don’t think it would be possible to do that kind of story without that
kind of planning
Do you like horror movies? Comedy? Pick your poison.
is that a trick
question? Lol the reason I ask is because I find horror movies funnier than
most comedies, but I watch each & every one, note all the things they do
that come off as utterly stupid, & imagine how I could do it better
Do you enjoy certain types of books, but like to write in
another genre? If so, why?
hmm, I grew up
reading mostly romances, then later in life when real romance was utterly
disappointing :P I started getting way more into supernatural stuff…so now I
take the elements I like from both those genres & then see what I can
attempt to do to make it hopefully different & better
What are you currently working on? Do you have any novels?
Check it out here! lol
Anything else that you would like to say before we end?
Reviews are love, & that means more than 1 damn
chapter people!! :p