Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Q & A-- Session 1 w/ Janelle Walden

Question and Answer Series
Session 1 – Janelle Walden, author of Heart’s Home, After the Dusk, New Eden, Ravyn’s Nights, and Til Darkness Takes Us

Janelle Walden
   Q            As a writer do you prefer using a pen name or real name? Why?
   A   I use part of my actual name, I just cut off the 1st 3 & last 5 letters of it
   Q            Which genre do you normally write? Are you comfortable going out of your comfort zone?
A    supernatural romance if that’s a genre-basically I always throw romance into my stuff because human relationships are what I write the most easily & I’ve always been obsessed with all things strange/supernatural…so there you go, supernatural romance-it’s what interests me enough to write it, so I don’t generally go outside of at least part of those 2 genres; in school when I was told what I HAD to write about, it made me sick & I practically failed the class—I can’t be inspired to write about something I don’t care about in the slightest
Q            How old are you? Male or female?
A   36-female
Q            Do you like cats or dogs?
A    cats
Q            Tell me something about you that no one else knows.
A    um, that’s tough-I’m usually too honest for my own good-I tell people exactly what I’m thinking or feeling even when I know it’ll lead to nothing but a huge fight-so I may have to get back to you on that one lol
Q            Are you married, dating, or single? If you’re married or dating; have you ever cheated on your spouse or significant other? If you’re single; do you like to play the field?
A    I’m single & have no interest in being in a relationship again after all the horrible ones I’ve already suffered--& I’ve honestly never cheated on anyone in my life-I actually equate cheating with being a crime worse than murder—after all, murder victims don’t have to live with the pain & betrayal & the feeling of never being able to trust again—yeah, I’m a little opposed to cheating, you could say
Q            Have you ever contemplated suicide? If so, why did you feel that was your only option?

A   I contemplate it constantly—it’s mainly due to feeling like there is nothing that will ever get any better no matter how much I want it to
Q            Have you ever been in trouble in school? At work? At home?
A    school: not that I recall, think I had detention once for not turning in an assignment, I was a troublemaker you see :P/work-got accused of something I didn’t do, mainly because they hated the way I dressed & just wanted to be rid of me/home-everything I say starts a damn fight in this house…see suicide question
Q            Did you have siblings growing up? If so, how many?
A    I allegedly have a sister, but she walked out of my life when I was 9 so I don’t even consider her part of my family honestly
Q            Did you have siblings later in life? If so, how many and at what age did you get them? Were they adopted?
A    nope I’m younger than the alleged sister I mentioned in the last question, & I’m the youngest person in my immediate family
Q            Where do you get your inspiration?
A    mostly from people, movies, music, and pop culture; whenever I see something that interests me, I think “he/she/it is pretty hot/cool, but what if…” & then a story is born
Q            How do your approach your writing? Are more OCD? Plan everything out with outlines and what amounts to storyboards? Or do you just fly by the seat of your pants and work everything out as it comes?
A    it depends on the story-with my previous ones it was that I had a singular idea in my head & then went about getting from where it starts to where I want it to end—however with the current one, which is a book series with over 60 characters, I had to put them into an outline with notes about each & every character & plot line—I don’t think it would be possible to do that kind of story without that kind of planning
Q            Do you like horror movies? Comedy? Pick your poison.
A    is that a trick question? Lol the reason I ask is because I find horror movies funnier than most comedies, but I watch each & every one, note all the things they do that come off as utterly stupid, & imagine how I could do it better
Q            Do you enjoy certain types of books, but like to write in another genre? If so, why?
A    hmm, I grew up reading mostly romances, then later in life when real romance was utterly disappointing :P I started getting way more into supernatural stuff…so now I take the elements I like from both those genres & then see what I can attempt to do to make it hopefully different & better
Q            What are you currently working on? Do you have any novels?
A    Check it out here! lol
Q            Anything else that you would like to say before we end?
A   Reviews are love, & that means more than 1 damn chapter people!! :p

Some Things are Beyond Your Control

Some Things Are Beyond Your Control

I pointed out to a co-worker to double check the schedule. Even though we have a set schedule it never is with a few exceptions. Me and the other main graveyard worker; everyone else they move around as needed. The reasons they don’t move us around are: a) no one else wants it and b) we don’t care as long as we get our five days. So the point I was trying to make is that management has hired a new driver and they doubled scheduled for the day. So the co-worker was going to change it so that it was right. I told him to just point it out to the manager. I doubt he listened. It’s beyond my control what that person does. If the manager has a problem with he’ll tell him.
Another thing that’s beyond my control is when someone is being rude. I’m not that person’s mother, but I can make their lives hell if I know who it is. One of my fellow writers and friends uses her status on her Facebook like most of us do: to tell our family and friends what’s going on at that particular point in our lives or happening at that point in our day (whichever you prefer). Someone commented about her post. First off IT’S HER POST MORON and second that’s why we have the statuses in the first place: To say what’s going with us, how we feel; no matter what that may be.
This is how I see it; it’s better to put it out there than keep it in. That’s my problem. I keep things to myself. You keep all of the negative in and eventually it’s going to cause you to explode. Besides that, it’s just not healthy.
The only thing any person can control is themselves. People should remember that and let people be who they want to be. You can’t control how they act or don’t act. You can’t tell some how they should feel or not feel. That’s all there is to it.
We’re put on this Earth for a reason. What that reason is, I have no clue. Maybe if I figure it out I’ll have the purpose of life and make a million bucks sharing the meaning. *rolls eyes*
More another time.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Not Much New

Not Much New

I’ve been trying to work on the next installment of the Delta Files but to no avail. I’ve been thinking it’s because I want so badly to have as many of my other novels done before I start on the next one. I’ve been only able to write a few lines at a time on the 7th book Highway 500. I had wondered why when it occurred to me that: yes the ideas are there for the next book. I know where I want to take the book and beyond, but I promised myself that my other novels would get the attention they deserved. That being said I’m surprised I was able to start work on another new novel, Weird, in the first place.

I mean, I wanted to get Dreamland Theater, Twelve Months, and the rest done before starting anything new. I suppose that while my muse wants to work on them Weird is only supposed to be a novella and that it’s okay to cheat with that one. For now. Weird has become something else entirely. I’ve hit all the points I’ve wanted to and still the story keeps going because I haven’t reached the conclusion I wanted to yet. Like the finding of her birth parents and connecting with her adopted family again. Not to mention her pregnancy and the final battle with her long-lost sister, Rayissa. These are preventing me from ending the novella too soon. Weird and her siblings are prompting me to do further and to finish the novella because they know that I don’t want another series right now.

At the same time I’m working on Weird and the other novels; I’m also helping a friend go over his novel. As I feel that I can safely take a break from my work, I go over his work. A biography he’s titled My Life and How it has Changed Me. The subject matter is difficult, but at the same time the way EJ tells his story makes you want to turn the page. He tells of his very difficult and unfair childhood and so much more. This is his series, but so much more.

As of now life has quieted down. No new harassments and I’m looking forward to the county fair next week even though it’s going to make for a very long day for me. A day that will start at 11 pm the previous night and go to 11 am that morning. The Clark County Fair starts on August 3rd and runs until the 12th. Let me tell you that it has changed so much from when I was younger. There are fewer rides and games; more commercial and agricultural booths every year. The food is the same, the lines are the same, but everything else is different.

*shrugs* Times are definitely changing.

I also wanted to thank my former classmates for making my Bullying blog my most read blog on Facebook. I also want to thank the many people that have read the blog on Blogger as well. The blog I did for Bullying and the one for Pulling No Punches have been getting hits everyday.

Also thank you to the 260 people that have viewed my blog on Blogger. Hopefully I reach 300 soon.

I guess that’s all for now. More later.

Sunday, July 22, 2012



I started work tonight (7-21-12) and will be working until (7-22-12) at 3 pm. Sixteen hours! Crazy. Not only that it’s the day we have a bazillion check outs. Well probably not that many, but it’s going to seem that way.

About an hour ago I had some woman threaten my job because I won’t give her a discount on a room. She complained that the TV doesn’t work and that it’s too smoky. Well, they’re in a smoking room because that’s all we have left. I know that the person paying for the room knows that. As for the TV, it probably needs to be plugged in, but she was so rude threatening to call the Days Inn Corporate office and my manager because I wasn’t offering her good customer service. I am not authorized to give out any refunds unless it’s Okayed by management.

*shrugs* What am I supposed to do? I’m not going to get a reprimand simply because this woman doesn’t want to pay an extra 5 or 10 bucks. I gave her excellent customer service considering I didn’t go through the phone and rip her heart out OR even yell at her for being so rude on the phone.

I understand the customer is always right, but not when they’re bitching about something they aren’t even paying for. Her boyfriend’s brother is paying for the room.

That is all. A short blog for now. May do another one later today.

Monday, July 16, 2012



It seems that everywhere you look in today’s society there is something about bullying and I think there should be. Maybe if this kind of awareness was around at the time of Columbine and the shootings in Thurston they wouldn’t have happened. Someone could have recognized the signs of the bullying that led to those tragedies and many others.
I can speak from the point of someone who was bullied. I know how those boys felt (I don’t condone what they did in the slightest) and I, on occasion, have wished that bad things would happen to my tormentors. I always wondered what I had done that was so wrong. Why were they picking on me?
There were a lot of kids that I’d been in school with since kindergarten and they seemed to be the meanest of all. Up until I about eight years old, I considered them my friends. Until I really understood what had been going on. When I would get off the bus and head into the house I would be crying because one of the girls had been mean or one of the boys had pulled my hair.
In the 5th grade it was bad. I had just gotten a hair cut and it formed a halo of sorts and the older kids (some of the kids my age) would throw spit wads in my hair! I was called four eyes, fatso, lardo (being no more than maybe 80 pounds at the time), and many other things.
That’s when I learned to stay near the teachers. I knew that as long as I was around them the other kids wouldn’t be so cruel. This started the teacher’s pet thing. I was never a teacher’s pet; I just knew it was safe. In high school I even had a teacher tell me that unless they caught something being done they couldn’t stop it.
The children when I was in 7th grade were the ones that humiliated me the most. They had complained to the office and my teachers that I had smelled bad. Not true. I showered every morning and used deodorant. Even when my grandmother told them, it didn’t stop them from forcing me to take a shower in the middle of the day in the gym teacher’s private shower. It was so humiliating. I’m sure there were rumors that I had peed my pants or shit myself and that’s why I had to change clothes and shower.
But as humiliating as that was it wasn’t until high school where I wanted it to end. In my cooking class sophomore year, also the year I nearly quite school, they would throw food stuffs at me from across the room. Dough, fruit, veggies; didn’t matter. If it could be thrown, it’d be thrown at me. There are probably still things up on the cupboards. I had the class with a couple of people that I’d been in school with for years. It was the boys in the class, the girls (for the most part) had seemed to mature a bit more that would throw things at me. It’s also when the rumor that I smelled once again resurfaced. At least this time I wasn’t forced to shower.
It was only a couple months into the second semester of sophomore year and I had gotten off the bus and ran into the house crying. I begged my grandparents to let me quit school and get my GED because I couldn’t take the bullying anymore. I can’t remember what happened on that particular day that caused me to ask, but it had to have been bad because I had always wanted to graduate from high school. I didn’t want to be a dropout like my parents.
To my surprise my grandmother said yes. She told me she didn’t want to see me in so much pain anymore. I went to school the next day determined. I walked to the counselors office and said I was going to quit and get my GED. She asked me to wait to decide. Then the principal called me into his office (one of two times I was there) and said that they didn’t want me to leave. They had a plan and then convinced me to stay. I’ll be grateful for that.
Things got better for a while then got worse. The kids that had bullied me had been suspended but came back and were worse. There were many times that I wanted to die because of how I was treated. I’d never done anything to anyone. I kept to myself and only talked to the few friends that I did have. Only talked to the people I had classes with when I had to for a project.
The bullies even got their girlfriends and boyfriends involved. I couldn’t see a way out except to die. This would have been the best solution, but I was and am too chicken shit to try that. I knew that going after the bullies would only make my last two years of school even worse.
I did my best to ignore them.
Junior year was a little better.
The last day of school, graduation, was bad. As with all graduations, we had to be in alphabetical order. So the person (I use the term loosely) who was supposed to walk next to be traded places with a girl so he wouldn’t have to be next to me. Now the girl I walked with was nice and apologized for the whole walk, but that didn’t negate the fact that he couldn’t put his fucking bullying attitude and hatred towards me away for three hours.
It was like one last insult before never having to see me again.
At the graduation party I kept to myself. Took some pictures of the few friends I had.
Even to this date I am still picked on by people.
Once I discovered MySpace I decided that I would try and give people the benefit of the doubt. I was hoping that now the many of my tormentors were adults that they had matured.
I tracked down so many of my former classmates including a few of the bullies. I was surprised by who added me and who didn’t. One in particular surprised me, sort of, not by the fact that had denied the request, but by how he responded when I asked him why. He had told me that I (in so many words) was a big fat nobody and that no one had liked me. I was shocked by this though I shouldn’t have been. I knew that I hadn’t been liked by some, but that everyone I’d been in school with had hated me was just wrong.
Since I’ve been on Facebook (I’ll be tagging them in this post) I have once again been looking for former classmates. Again I was surprised who added and who didn’t. The majority of them don’t seem to be very active on the site, but those that are barely acknowledge me and it goes both ways. I don’t really talk to them either.
That’s the end of the reminiscing.
The point I want to get across is that bullying is mean, spiteful, hurtful, and in some cases deadly. Thousands of chidren are bullied every year. Many of those children will turn into murderers, abusers, and pedophiles so that they are the person that does the hurting. The rest will kill themselves, more likely at a young age, because the pain of being bullied is too great.
I agree with those police, district attorneys, and others that have lobbied to have those children who do the bullying brought up on charges for murder.
Maybe if it keeps up it will stop the bullying.
Parents, if you were the person doing the bullying, stop and think before you say anything. Do you want your children to be like you? If you were the person being bullied, talk to your children. Let know you understand. Let them know you’re on their side. Don’t just chalk it up to kids being kids.

There is no crueler person in this world than a child. Remember that.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Word Counts

Word Counts and Such

The Hotel Slayings
Format: 6x9
Words:  27,981
Pages: 293
The Masked Killer
Format: 6x9
Words: 19,790
Pages: 199
Format: 6x9
Words: 23,286
Pages: 240
Recreational Murder
Format: 6x9
Words: 16,152
Pages: 228
Format: 6x9
Words: 27,239
Pages: 354
Trea Bella-Donna
Format: 6x9
Words: 10,563
Pages: 137
Espionage Garden
Format: 6x9
Words: 31.464
Pages: 203
Format: 6x9
Words: 16,488
Pages: 186
Bored and Bleeding
Format: 6x9
Words: 3,315
Pages: 110
The Scorned American
Format: 6x9
Words: 26,899
Pages: 197
Weird (so far)
Format: 6x9
Words: 10,729
Pages: 85
Life and Death (so far)
Format: 6x9
Words: 4,336
Pages: 39
Dreamland Theater (so far)
Format: 6x9
Words: 6,780
Pages: 61
Egotistical Mama (so far)
Format: 6x9
Words: 3,967
Pages: 60
A Perfectly Secret Affair (so far)
Format: 6x9
Words: 16,258
Pages: 122
Sai (so far)
Format: 6x9
Words: 4,617
Pages: 55
Twelve Months (so far)
Format: 6x9
Words: 3,038
Pages: 49
The Flame (so far)
Format: 6x9
Words: 5,345
Pages: 46
Endless Soul (so far)
Format: 6x9
Words: 251
Pages: 5

Pulling No Punches

Pulling No Punches

I’ve been thinking about people, lately. All kinds, really. Today I was nearly rear ended as this bright cherry red Ford Mustang came barreling up the freeway on SR 500 near my home. I barely managed to switch lanes and so I flipped him off. I know this isn’t kosher, but I can’t afford to be rear ended especially as fast as he was going. At 70 on a 50 mile an hour highway. I glanced over to his car after I successfully managed to switch lanes and get the hell out of his way. He was cursing and shaking his fists at me. I made my husband laugh when I told him that I’d already flipped him off and there was no need for him to do so.
A couple of days ago I was headed to Wal-Mart an exit up from my house on I-205. It was quicker to take the freeway and save a little on gas then to deal with the stop and go I would have had to deal with going up Andresen. As I was merging, because I was running out of road, from SR 500 onto I-205 this big fucking black truck wasn’t going to let me over. I had my pregnant sister-in-law in the car with me PLUS my almost 2 year old niece. She (my sister-in-law) asked if she could flip them off and I said that she could. Again, I know this isn’t proper, but that jerk could have hurt my niece and nephew. Not on my watch buddy!
A month ago I accidentally backed into my cousin’s rented car. She’s a disaster when it comes to driving. There was only paint transfer on each car and a small dent (so small you could BARELY see it) in her car. My driveway is shaped like an L and she could have pulled up closer where she was parked at. I had to park on the side of the house and I hate parking there because I can’t keep an eye on my car. So to make a long story short, she called her insurance company (I know this is standard procedure) but she could have claimed she was in the store and didn’t notice. It wouldn’t have been the first time, but I guess because I don’t have a dick then she isn’t going to help me out.
People are constantly complaining and I try to keep my complaining to a minimum or none at all. Even at work when almost (at least it seems that way) everyone else’s work seems to fall my shoulders because they don’t want to make a phone call or double check something. I’m sure to the co-workers that I do complain to that it seems like I complain all the time, but I don’t think I do. I only complain when I feel that something needs to be said. The only time I say anything to my boss is when I’m asked.
Working late at night as I do gives me time to do much of my writing and I’m glad that I have that opportunity. Even if I never make any money from the writing that I do, at least, I know that I’ve tried. That’s good enough for me. The things that I could do without are the perverts who have nothing better to do than call and masturbate while I’m trying to help them make a reservation. It’s usually the same guy and sometimes I can get him to hang up the phone before it becomes really gross. Other times it takes a few minutes before I can get him to hang up. It’s usually a polite Sir if you’re not going to make a reservation then I’m afraid I’m going to have to let you go. The perv is usually the one that hangs up first.
There’s the people I deal with on Writers’ CafĂ©. For the most part they are a friendly group of people. Fellow writers who just want some help perfecting there craft. A few of them thrive on getting critiques and are pretty decent in how they ask. Then there are the people that are just plain rude. The expect you to review because the send you something or just because they wrote it. I like to read what I like to read. If someone has something posted that catches my eye due to the description or title then I’ll go peruse. I don’t like feeling like I’m being forced to read something. There are two writers on the site that I just love to read: Janelle Walden and Shep. They both have a unique way of writing that gets their point across. Janelle writes for herself and just hopes that others will partake in the thing that makes her happy. Shep writes truthfully and from the heart.
Others on that site are just rude for other reasons. There are the spammers who keep sending out creepy letters about meeting only OFF the site. It’s always an email on the site and always the same wording. Here is a sample:
Hello dear,
My name is Samira,am a decent girl with love and honest,please i will like you to contact me through my email address(samiraluv22@hotmail.com)so that i can tell you more about me with pictures of me, thanks

Creepy. You can’t even go into the forum on the site and get help because they’ve filled the pages with trash! Ignorant.
That’s all for now. I may add another blog after this that shows the page counts and what not for my books. Probably. In between working on Life and Death & Weird.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Craziness and then SOME!!

Last night was insane!
I’ve been working on two new novels (Life & Death and Weird) not to mention Dreamland Theater. It’s been difficult to give each novel the time that it deserves because they all feel the need to be written now! To top it all off I’m taking on another new novel that I plan to start next week. I have a lot of the ground work done on that, it’s just the matter of filling in the blanks, so to speak.
ON TOP OF THAT! I started work on the new Delta Files novel. I just couldn’t stay away. Next up for Addyson and her crew is Suicide Killer. The first chapter goes back three months to when they find the first victim hanging from the banister of his home. Then it will continue in the past for a couple of chapters. Doing the interviews with the help and family. When it finally comes back to the present there will be a fresh victim.
*wipes forehead* PHEW!
Now I just have to keep it all straight.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Weird (Sneak Peek)

          My name is Weird laStrange, really, and my parents must have hated me when I was born. I hear they are really big in the underworld. Not the literal underworld, of course, you know like hell, but the supernatural underworld. They abandoned me when I was a toddler. I don’t know why they didn’t just kill me at birth. You have no idea how many times I’ve been picked on and beaten up because of my name.
Temporary Cover
          I suppose I should tell you a little bit of my background. I am twenty years old, in college, and recently found out that I was a vampire. I know! It came as a shock to me too. I can walk around in the sunlight, I don’t have to sleep in a coffin, and I can eat human food (it has no value except that it protects me from vampire hunters and overzealous humans). I have to drink blood with every meal, but I don’t need it to be human blood (I hate to admit it, but I prefer human blood).
          From what my adopted family tells me (they must hate me too because they never changed my name) is that they knew what I was almost instantly. I had been a cheap adoption because of my ‘behavioral issues’ at the orphanage. I had been attacking the other children and biting them. It makes sense considering I was a vampire.
          The people at the orphanage were known for taking in known abandoned supernatural beings and making sure they were placed in the proper homes. I suppose I should also mention that even though we have a secret society humans know about us. Most consider us like the mob. They know we’re there and they are taking appropriate measures to be wary and take care of what is said around us.
          Back to my adopted family. The orphanage didn’t know what I was, because I hadn’t shown any signs of being a vampire when I first arrived there. So I wasn’t placed with one of the live in guardian/counselors that they have for the young vampires, werewolves, ghosts (yes ghosts), and witches. The counselors are to help the youngest of us adjust and learn basic control. True control takes years to learn.
          I was advanced at that and after I was placed with my family I learned to adapt pretty quickly. I begged them not to tell the school so that I wouldn’t be treated any differently. Maybe that’s why they kept my name the same, so that I would know was different. I can’t really hate them, no I can’t do that, because they took me in and cared for me. My family, this family, loves me for who I am and they know I would never do anything to hurt them or anyone else.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Odd Day & Current Novels

Odd Day and Current Novels

Odd Day—
I guess, really, there’s nothing odd about the other day. Tuesday my sister dropped off my nephew, Mathew, as always. She likes to have one day for herself so she can hang out with her friends and then clean before Mathew can ruin it for the rest of the week.
I was getting ready to take my husband to a job interview and she asked me to walk with her to her car. Her exact words were “I have a proposition for you.” I was a little, not horrified, but intrigued, I guess. Not something you hear everyday from your sister. I nodded and followed her over while Carlos was finishing getting ready.
She got into her car and pulled out a folder. “Can you turn this into a book?” I looked at her and waited for the punch line. There wasn’t one.
The folder was a journal that she had to keep for her English class. The journal details her relationship with her friend/boyfriend/ex-boyfriend. She said that I could keep everything but expand on it. All she wants is a percentage of the royalties (if it sells), and a signed copy from the author.
I smiled and said that I could do that. There is more that she has to add, so I’m just waiting for the email. I told her that I have a lot of stuff in front of it and she said that was fine. I’m also waiting on a reply to a text I sent her. I need to make notes and want to know if I can do it on the papers she gave me or if I should make copies.
I have an idea as to how I want to it and I have Amelia Jade of the Writer’s CafĂ© for that. I’ll keep it as journal. I’ll show action during the day and then at night have her writing in the journal. Of course, I’ll need to change the wording a bit and things like that, but this could be interesting.
I’ll keep you posted.

Current Novels—
Life and Death
Egotisitcal Mama (on going) This is a collection of poetry, so it will take time to get it where I want to be. The perfect book to work on when I get stuck.
A Perfectly Secret Affair (on going) This is a collection of short stories. I can take my time and work on this when I can’t work on one of my novels.
Dreamland Theater

There’s really not much else to say.

I would like to thank all of my new readers. You guys, as writers, know how important and awesome it is to have people reading your work.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012



I know this is a stupid thing to write about, but I did promise another blog.
I am excited about the new seasons of Scandal, Once Upon a Time, and Revenge.
After the season finale of Once Upon a Time there were so many questions and a few answers.
  1. Once Upon a Time
    1. Questions:
                                                               i.      Will Mary Margaret/Snow White, David/Prince Charming, and Emma be reunited as a family?
                                                             ii.      How will Emma deal with knowing for certain, now, that her best friend is really her mother?
                                                            iii.      What lengths will Regina/The Evil Queen go through to get Henry back?
How will all of the characters deal with being in the real world?
                                                           iv.      What does that purple cloud mean? Magic? Will it take them back to Fairytale land?
                                                             v.      Will Mr. Gold/Rumplestiltskin every find his son, Baelfire.
    1. Answers:
                                                               i.      The curse was real.
                                                             ii.      Emma is totally ready to be a mother
                                                            iii.      Regina lost, for now
                                                           iv.      Once magic returns, everyone is going to be in trouble because Regina is going to be POWERFUL
                                                             v.      Mr. Gold got his happily ever after back, Belle, she remembered who she was and he was very happy

For Scandal the biggest question is: Who is Quinn, really?

Again, stupid, but had to write something!

Monday, July 2, 2012



NOTE: A lot of these are articles that can be found on E! or OMG!

John Travolta & Kelly Preston --
Okay, I know I do this to myself, and I shouldn’t read them, but people who comment on news stories are way harsh!
I read an article on E! Online about John Travolta and his wife, Kelly Preston, and my mouth dropped open. They were berating, not only him, but his wife, too! They put them both down for doing charity work in their hometown of Ocala, Florida. Saying that it was just a PR move.
If you don’t know what’s going on with John Travolta you’ve been living under a ROCK! Just kidding. Seriously though, Mr. Travolta is once again (though I don’t know if they ever really died down) victim to gay rumors. This time he is being sued by several men who allege that the actor had tried to get them to have sex with him and that Mr. Travolta was just very inappropriate with them. Supposedly there’s even a tape.
There’s even a rumor that John and his late Grease co-star Jeff Conway had a fling way back when.
Now I don’t know if the rumors are true. If they are, well, that’s his business. There’s also no reason to be mean towards Ms. Preston and saying that their marriage is a sham. They’ve been happy and weathered so much more than this already. Especially with the loss of their son, Jett a couple years ago.
For crying out loud people, they maybe stars but that’s no reason to be so rude! Get a life and move on. If it bothers you that much THEN DON’T READ THE ARTICLE YOU DUMBA$$!

Courtney Stodden & Doug Hutchinson --
I’m sorry, but that is disgusting! I know that olden days that women were married off at this age or even younger and sometimes to men even older! But this is 2012 and getting married to a 57 year old man in this day and age means one thing: GOLD DIGGER!
There’s a chance that everyone on the planet could be wrong and that they really do love each other, but she acts older than 17 and what husband in his right mind would let his wife parade around in those clothes! To say nothing of her parents in the first place. That girl should be in a convent or something.
She wears sky high stilettos (even to the beach and to walk her dog) and tiny bikinis and everyday clothing. I know this sounds like I’m jealous, but honestly I just feel sorry for the girl. Obviously she has such low self esteem that she doesn’t think she will ever get married so she has to settle for the first creep who comes along and flashes money and the possibility of fame at her.
Her parents, who just love their new son-in-law, are completely on board with it. I wonder if he had to pay a dowry?
I understand that love knows no bounds, but maybe in this case it should.
Courtney Stodden is going to be forever known as the Teen Bride while her husband, will always be thought of as a pedophile!

Beyonce & Jay-Z & Blue Ivy –
What peeves me off about this is that everyone thinks she faked it. Why would she?! What’s more, who cares if she did? The lady has a ton of money and her husband even more!
I get the suspicions, but that doesn’t mean that the accusations are true. On the flip side is doesn’t mean they aren’t either. If I had her kind of money and I wanted a child, well, who knows?
I think if they had a surrogate, then good for them. If they lied about Beyonce being pregnant, so what. At least they’re happy and that baby is adorable! If I was in Beyonce’s shoes, I would carry a fake baby around too. She is so famous that Blue Ivy could get hurt. Everyone wants to get that picture of her out and about. We all know that the paparazzi can be dangerous.

I don’t know where I was going with that last one, but I had to get my two cents in.

I’ll do another blog tonight on something different.

Much love.
SM Garcia