Monday, May 14, 2012

Once Upon a Time Finale Review

Once Upon A Time
Season Finale Review

Emma arrives at August's (Pinocchio) room.
          Tonight was the first season finale of Once Upon A Time. The entire season led up to this episode. There are so many unanswered questions: Will Henry survive the poison apple tart? Will Emma begin to believe? Will the curse be broken?
          Every question is answered and then some.
          When Emma empties out Henry’s backpack to see what he could have ingested (Dr. Whale and Emma have no clue what happened) she spies his fairytale book. That’s when she believes. Every scene that occurred between Prince Charming (David) and Snow White (Mary Margaret) flashes in Emma’s mind including her birth and name.
Emma and Regina (The Evil Queen) arrive at Henry's side
seconds too late.
          The minute she hears Regina (Evil Queen) Emma pulls her aside and lets her know that she knows the truth. After that they head to see Mr. Gold (Rumplestiltskin) and see if he has any magic left. He tells them he does and gives Emma Prince Charming’s sword and Regina takes Emma to what looks like the post office, and sends her down into the basement. There is Maleficent trapped in her dragon form. Emma kills her and gets the potion.
          When she returns to the surface, Mr. Gold tricks her into giving him the potion. As she unties Regina to go after him the hospital calls and they return. Once there Dr. Whale tells them that Henry is gone.
          Emma enters the trauma room and bends over Henry. She tells him that she loves him and gives him a kiss. Then what we’ve been waiting for all season long happens THE CURSE IS BROKEN! *happy dance*
Regina can't deal with the loss of Henry.
          While all of this is going on; Jefferson (The Mad Hatter) frees Mr. Gold’s happy ending, Belle. She goes to him and he promises to protect her. After which he takes her to a well in the woods and drops the potion into it.
          The show ends with the clock in the square stopping on 8:15 the same time at which it started.
* * *
          Now for my review.
          I have to say that I loved this episode more than any other.  There was so much happening. Every question was answered. Everything you wanted to happen does.
          Emma realizes who she is. Emma saves Storybrooke from the curse. Emma saves Henry.
Emma grieves for Henry.
          I cried just about through the whole thing. I cried when Charming saved Snow in Fairytale Land. I cried when they reconnected in the modern world. I cried when Henry died and when Emma brought him back with a mother’s kiss.
          I thought that the episode was well written and carefully planned. The storyline was amazing, the action was awesome, and there was finally a happy ending!
          I can’t wait to see what happens next season. I just wish we didn’t have to wait until September to find out.

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